Remaining anonymous online

I have seen several posts online- on WordPress, and social media sites, by Christians challenging men to use their real identities online. If they don’t, they aren’t manly, of course.

This position is not only ignorant, but foolish and dangerous. It makes me wonder if advocates of identity unmasking are controlled opposition, and working for the enemy.

Why do you want to know the personal identities of people you don’t know in person? Are you trying to doxx them? Are you trying to ruin their careers or livelihood?

The reality is that these people are trying to silence critical thought, and to keep you in line. Them knowing you gives them an advantage, especially when they are supported by institutions, and/or have a following. You are just one person.

We live in an age where saying “I believe gender hormonal treatments for kids is abuse,” or “marriage is between one man and one woman” will get you fired from most businesses in most cities, and from government agencies.

These statements, made after hours and having nothing to do with your work, can ruin your career. So do you martyr yourself on every hill, silence yourself, or find an alternative?

Groups of leftists and cowards grovel for individuals to slip up, and pounce on them. That individual will not receive any support from friends in trying times. Any public affiliation with the subject will make the mob’s eye of Sauron focus on them.

When do neighbors rally against protestors who harass a neighbor? I’ve never seen it.

Requesting another person’s personal information online, when not consensual, feels like the situation Lot’s guests faced, when the city surrounded Lot’s home, desiring to “know” who the visitors were. It creeps me out.

7 thoughts on “Remaining anonymous online

  1. “Requesting another person’s personal information online”

    No one should request another person’s personal information or doxx them. The decision to reveal oneself is a personal decision. Consider though that those who have lasting leadership and influence in society tend to put their name behind their work, while the anonymous tend to fade away into obscurity. Anonymity ultimately harms both author and message, making it less effective. It is for this reason that authors should desire not to be anonymous, though of course they can chose not to. By forcing you into anonymity to (legitimately) protect yourself, there is a cost. That cost should at least be acknowledged.

    “Groups of leftists and cowards grovel for individuals to slip up, and pounce on them.”

    They are cowards. Many such cowards hide behind anonymity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anonymity may affect the author and message, as it’s harder to establish credibility. This is a problem for people who think the ideas should prevail, and not the person.

      Most people who make it big are protected by institutions. The vast majority of bloggers will not be monetized, or make a living on writing books.

      And as per cowardice and anonymity, it’s a sword and shied. Leftists are the wolves looking for targets. People like me are trying not to be one. Why? Why lose a career, the ability to be employable, losing a license or position? For some professions, such as law enforcement, it’s incredibly stupid to put your name out there if you are on social media. With a doctor, who writes a doctors blog, advice would have to be painfully generic to prevent a hipaa violation, etc. If the doctor is anonymous, they can draw from examples in their practice, without any fear that the patient could be identified. The same principles apply elsewhere, as in my position.

      Is the church going to have my back if people come after me? No. Lol. Are there institutions and people who would have my back? Nope.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I have seen many many posts on the issue as of late.

    Another thing to consider is that your words impact your family as well, meaning if you go public, they don’t go after you. They go after your relatives and their careers.

    This happens a lot with public and high profile figures.

    That’s why I knew jerk react on this topic: I have seen firsthand what can happen when a person steps out of line against the left. Careers destroyed, manufactured investigations out of nowhere, that go away only after you are wrecked financially and your reputation is destroyed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “I have seen many many posts on the issue as of late.”

      Interesting how experiences differ. I wrote my posts on the topic without seeing any viewpoints that agreed with mine. Indeed, It was unsurprising when certain blogs I referenced didn’t allow a pingback (not complaining, just noting it as evidence of disagreement). As expected, not a single person has agreed with me.

      I mostly kept my focus on those who use blogging for major societal change, the purported leaders. Those with larger followings, as opposed to someone who is just blogging to the wind. If there is a cost/benefit analysis, the negative consequences of being anonymous increases with influence and reach.

      But I think you, ironically, nailed why I take my position:

      “Is the church going to have my back if people come after me? No. Lol. Are there institutions and people who would have my back? Nope.”

      The anonymous don’t have anyone’s back. If no one is willing to take a stand, why should anyone else? Why should those institutions and people have your back and risk their own? It’s lonely taking a stand, but someone has to do it.


      1. There are others who agree with you. They are more mainstream than WordPress.

        Consider doctors or government officials who speak their minds. Is it worth them losing their careers over? Or is it wiser to remain anonymous, while still getting the message out there?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. “Consider doctors or government officials who speak their minds. Is it worth them losing their careers over? Or is it wiser to remain anonymous, while still getting the message out there? “

        I’ve been struggling over these questions. My views are more nuanced than a strict one way or the other. They don’t apply to everyone.

        My thoughts have generally covered two, sometimes overlapping, cases.

        1) Masculinity: leadership and anonymity run counter to each other.
        2) Christianity: Christians confront wrongdoing and do not fear trials and tribulations.

        Regarding the first, if a man is not trying to be a leader, then he doesn’t necessarily need to shed anonymity. This is especially true of people who run blogs as minor side gigs, to provide public resources for their offline activities, or just for their own musing. There are many people in these categories. So people running professional advice blogs wouldn’t fit in this category. However, people in the manosphere that specifically promote masculinity and fight feminism harm (and contradict) their own message by being anonymous.

        Regarding the second, if someone is acting in the role of a Christian, promoting biblical teachings online and speaking God’s truth against sinful culture, then they have a duty to be themselves. We’re not talking legal or medical advice here. Consider 1 Corinthians 12:9-10 [NIV]:

        “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

        Christians fearing to use their real name because they fear persecution (Matthew 5:10) for their beliefs are those who would hide behind a lie in order to protect themselves from being in the front line of carrying a cross (Matthew 16:24-26).

        Obviously this does not apply to the non-Christian.

        So I think I largely agree that it is wise for some to remain anonymous. For the professional it is important to keep one’s clients/patients privacy. That requires discernment, not necessarily anonymity. Ultimately it must be up to the conscience of the person to decide for themselves.


      3. There is a difference between being silent in person, and being anonymous only online. I believe it is wise to be anonymous online, so that the left wing activist can’t interfere with your livelihood.

        I’ll say these opinions in person, but I don’t want to broadcast them to all people at all times (because what is posted on the internet is forever).

        Even right wing employers and institutions cave to public pressure, even when it won’t affect their revenue streams.

        What would be the benefit of revealing the identity of a popular blogger, if that person loses their job, or their career, as a result? Are their ideas advanced? Or is that person ruined for life, and the ideas labeled as toxic and forbidden?

        Liked by 1 person

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